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    seconddrink asked: Do you take graphic design type of stuff, or just drawings?

    I don’t know, submit it and we shall see.


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    chrisnwords asked: I submitted my artwork, I was wondering how long it usually takes to get posted, IF its selected...And will we be notified if it is? Just wondering :-)

    Due to the amount of submissions we get, which is approximately 250-300 per day, there is just no way or time to notify every artist. 

    But, if your art was approved, it might take between 20-30 days to be posted on the site.

    thanks for your question! 

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    practikal asked: do submissions have to be drawing, or do you accept artistic-y photos?

    Excellent question.

    We do not post photography.

    Submissions can be of a drawing, illustration, painting, collage, mixed media or doodle.

    When in doubt, always submit. :)

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    fuckyeahlightsatnight asked: Hi! I have a question for you! =)
    Do you make all this drawings?
    I thinks that are awesomes!
    I draw too :)

    Do I make all this drawing?

    No, I only make some.

    We have thousands of artists from around the world submitting their wonderful works of art.

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    alexwalters asked: How were you guys able to get so popular? I can't get any of my blogs to receive a steady group of followers. :/

    Good question, the success of EatSleepDraw is due to its simplicity.

    Like every good art professor will tell you its all in the KISS method, keep it simple stupid. People enjoy drawing and people like to look at artwork. 

    Be patient with your blogs, it took us years for ESD to get “popular”

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    ciarraimanning asked: Is there a way to know if my artwork was accepted and posted on your blog? Or should I just take a couple hours to browse through everything? XD

    Yes, and its pretty easy just do a search for your name in the search bar on the right, or you can search the archives.

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    wearegatsby asked: Hey there! I submitted two pieces a few weeks ago, a day or so apart at the most. The first one went through but the second didn't, does a day in submission time translate to a week or more in showing-up-in-queue-time?

    It is very possible that in order to present a wide variety of art that there may be some time between multiple submissions by the same artist. Does that help? If it does don’t forget to submit here.

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    thejuanreyes asked: So, how many pieces are in your queue right now?

    As of 12:55pm on Sunday May 30th we have 672 pieces in the queue.

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    jimmysherry asked: Lately, my life has been just Eat, Draw. Your thoughts?

    You should probably sleep, otherwise you’ll think eating your drawings is a good idea and then you won’t have anything to submit.

Submit Your Artwork!
eatsleepdraw is an online art community. We post 100% original content, submitted by contributors across the globe. If you would like to submit your artwork, click on the happy sandwich above! Thanks for stopping by :)



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